
Hello! My name is Raphael. I'm originally from London England but currently live and study in Boston MA. I am an undergraduate in Tufts University school of engineering, studying for my Bachelors degree in Mechanical engineering and my Bachelors degree in computer science. I have always been creative and enjoyed 'making', Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science offer immense opportunity for creativity and innovation.

I have worked on many projects within my fields of focus as well as other external works, these, as well as background in each field can be found on my listed projects page. Currently I am working on a ROS 2 powered companion drone for adventurers as a personal project as well as a website development project for a small business. For more detailed information on my fields of focus and experience please download my resume.

Alongside my academic interests I have a few other interests, these include the likes of hiking & adventure, bodybuilding, reading and aviation. I also take interest in the world of 'self development' and find a number of concepts I have come across to be very useful in day to day life.

To sum things up, I am a creative individual with desire to be continuously challenged, learn and grow holistically. Do take a look around my portfolio and feel free to get in touch!

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Raphael L. Obu

Student at Tufts University